Lotus Menopause Care offers private medical advice and treatment for people experiencing symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause. The care provided follows GMC standards of good practice which includes shared decision making.
Services are provided by video or telephone
Services pertaining to Menopause care are offered to biologically female people aged 18 or above, who are in The United Kingdom, Chanel Islands or Spain at the time of their Consultation are offered by Lotus Menopause Care. All consultations are conducted under the jurisdiction of the Law of England.
Lotus Menopause Care is respectful of gender and pronoun preferences, as well as sexual orientation. The service is Private, as such it is not covered by the NHS; NHS prescriptions and referrals cannot be made. No emergency or out of hours services are offered; any such issues should be directed to your GP, NHS111 or A&E as appropriate.
All patients will be required to provide photographic ID prior to their appointment.
All information provided by you, or recorded during consultations is kept within a secure cloud based software system called Semble. No personal details are kept on devices or in paper form. Consultations are ordinarily conducted in English. Medical translation services can be arranged but may incur additional cost.
If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment you will be deemed to have missed your appointment.
Cancellations or re-arrangement of appointments are free of charge provided they are made a minimum of 2 working days prior to the original appointment date and time; requests for cancellation or alteration need to be confirmed by email. If changes are made with less than 2 working days notice, other than in exceptional cases (proof may be requested in such circumstances), full payment is required.